Wednesday 16 November 2011

Designa Knit.

Keeping with Aztec theme, I've been looking at the designs and patterns used in tribal blankets and rugs. Navajo blankets use simple shapes and colours to create complex designs, which is what I've been doing using a computer based programme for designing machine knit patterns.

It's rather addictive creating these patterns...

Friday 14 October 2011

New blog.

2 weeks ago I started an internship at The Makery in Bath. Being in my 3rd year of my degree, I decided to explore the textiles world outside of University. It's been a lot of fun already and to document my time and events during the internship, I have dedicate a blog to it...

Monday 12 September 2011


New academic year. New ideas. New research.

Stumbling across Emma's blog lead to me finding these funky nail art designs, perfect for my Aztec inspired research!

Wednesday 3 August 2011


As I had an afternoon to spare, I thought I'd try my hand at cake decorating. As I enjoy making cupcakes, using fondant icing to create unique decorations seemed like a jolly good idea, a jolly good idea that proved to be a little trickier then anticipated, but a lot of fun too!

Friday 13 May 2011

Drawing from real life... quite difficult when your drawing subject is bumble bees. Using my macro setting on my camera, I managed to get close to this little bee who was enjoying the sunshine in my garden.

My welcome distraction.

The very tame Robin we have flying around work, surprised us all with this little cutie. I was happy to take some time out to sneak up on him and take a few snaps.

Monday 11 April 2011

166 bpm.

After months of planning, our Walcot Chapel exhibition was a great sucess! All 10 of us deserve a pat on the back for the hard work we put in. The private view night was fantastic, the drinks were flowing and so were the compliments about our work, a very big thank you to everyone who came and supported us!

Here's some photographs that were taken of my work in the exhibition. I am pleased I exhibited this piece and now need to motivation to keep it going. At 12ft long it's already quite a long piece, but I aim to get it around 20ft long ready for it to be displayed in the American Museum, Bath, in May!

Monday 21 March 2011

My first hard ground etching.

Stings like a bee.

Unfortunately, etchings don't get much justice being scanned and posted on a blog, but here's a few of my first attempts.


It's been a while since I attempted to draw, needs a bit of practise, but I found it quite relaxing drawing these bee's!

Friday 18 March 2011

Art Exhibition.

As part of my degree, myself and 9 other students on my course have organised an art exhibition. We've worked hard fundraising, getting sponsers to help and creating our own artwork to put in the exhibition. Check out our blog!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Jessica Albarn.

The intricate detail in this fine line drawing by Jessica Albarn with a hidden geometry, created using gloss varnish that shine under direct light, is outstanding!
'balancing bee honey'
'butterfly with geometric flowers (silver)'


I heart toaster.

Orange Bulldog clips and an urban brick wall, simply marvelous with this spraypaint hand stencil.

'The toasters have entertained the streets since 1999, appearing on posters, banners, stickers and murals all over the world from berlin, stockholm, los angeles, san francisco, tokyo, rio de janeiro, sao paulo, buenos aires, montevideo, sydney, new york, paris, peckham. everywhere.'

Sunday 2 January 2011

Wild animals.

After browsing the Topshop blog I found the artist Rop Van Mierlo. There's something quite endearing about his rather cute wild animals!